The technicality and clarity of academic documents, such as research manuscripts, are essential factors. Developing a consistent and error-free manuscript can be a tiresome task, particularly for non-native speakers who are not entirely familiar with English. Through our academic editing service, avoid rejection and increase your chances of being published in international and regional journals. We ensure your paper is allocated only to domain experts.

Work With Experts
- Highly skilled editors with postgraduate and doctoral degrees in diverse domains such as life sciences, medicine, engineering, and humanities.
- Editors with an average experience of 9 years in editing.
- Extensive knowledge of the conventions of several international peer-reviewed scientific journals and almost all style guides, including APA, AMA, and CMOS.
What Do Our Editors Check Under This Service
- American/British English
- Grammar (e.g., article and tense usage)
- Punctuation
- Typographical errors
- Spelling and consistency
- Technical terminologies
- Logic, clarity, structure, and flow
Types Of Academic Documents We Edit
- Journal articles
- Papers
- Thesis/Dissertations
- Essays
- Assignments
- Research projects
- Brevia
- Statement of purpose
- Letter of recommendation
To view an edited sample, click here.