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What is the difference among Editing, Proofreading, and Editing + Proofreading ?
Although these are similar services on the surface, the amount of intervention decreases with the type of service in the following order: Editing + Proofreading > Editing > Proofreading.
Under the Editing and Editing + Proofreading services, we check spelling, punctuation, consistency, grammar, syntax, logic, clarity, information structure and flow, technical terminology, and style as per the style guide (e.g., AMA, APA, IEEE) or journal. The only difference between the Editing and Editing + Proofreading services is that under Editing + Proofreading service, your manuscript will be reviewed by an editor–proofreader pair. Under the proofreading service, we check mainly for consistency, grammar, and terminology. Style-related changes are not made. Please contact our Client Servicing team for further details.
My target journal provides detailed instructions to be followed for artwork editing. Do you format the figures under the formatting service ?
Under the formatting service, we do not format figures. For artwork editing, you can opt for either our formatting and submission service or our artwork editing service. Please contact our Client Servicing team for further details.
How can I place an order ?
The procedure for order placement is as follows:
- Email your document to our client service team (cs@editingindia.com).
- Specify the service you require, word count, and turnaround time.
- Once our client service team has received your mail, we will send you a quote.
- Confirm the order and send us the details of the work.
- After receiving a confirmation and payment from your end, we allocate the file to one of our team members.
Alternatively, you can fill our quotation form and indicate your requirements. After receiving your completed quotation form, we will send you a quote as soon as possible during the business hours.
SETS can help you improve your chances of publication in the STEM industry worldwide with its high-quality services
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